Disclaimer: All natural remedies and treatments are not a substitute or replacement for necessary medical treatment and does not constitute as medical advice or professional services. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. All information here contained is for educational purposes only. |
What is Charcoal?
Charcoal is a substance formed by burning either wood or coconut shells in the absence of oxygen. What remains after the burning process is pure black carbon.
Medicinal charcoal comes as a fluffy black powder, has no odor or taste, and gritty in texture. It is also available in the form of tablets and capsules. Charcoal is safe to use internally and, on the skin, — with virtually no side effects, other than constipation if taken internally too often or too much.
How does it work?
When a small particle of charcoal is greatly magnified, it resembles a sponge—containing many small holes and tunnel-like passages. Charcoal acts as an adsorbent by attracting and binding toxins, poisons, gases, and even germs. Once entrapped in the charcoal, these injurious substances become harmless to the body.
Charcoal comes in two varieties—regular and activated. Activated charcoal is carbon that has been treated with high steam temperatures to greatly enhance charcoal’s adsorbing capacity. Although this method was not developed until the early 20th century, regular charcoal has been in use as an effective healing agent for thousands of years.
What makes charcoal such a remarkable remedy?
It is:
Readily available—and affordable.
Simple to use—both internally and externally.
Highly effective.
It’s important to note that the following items are NOT to be used as medicinal charcoal:
Charcoal briquettes for grilling food are not a safe source of charcoal. They contain dangerous chemical agents that ensure rapid igniting.
Burnt toast and other scorched foods contain unhealthful substances.
A Few Internal Uses:
When taken internally, charcoal is a medicinal wonderworker for a wide variety of ailments.
Charcoal works best when mixed with a glass of plain water. It is easier to drink when these simple directions are followed:
Thoroughly mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of charcoal with a small amount of water.
Then fill the glass with additional water—stirring frequently and making sure all the powder is thoroughly mixed without clumps in solution.
Use a drinking straw when drinking charcoal—it is less messy.
Then drink some plain water to clean out the mouth.
The best time to take charcoal is between meals and at least 2 hours after taking prescription medications—since charcoal does adsorb many drugs.
Charcoal is often used with great success for the following conditions:
Allergic reaction
Intestinal gas
Nausea and vomiting

What to do for Poisoning:
Charcoal is the treatment of choice for poisoning in children, as well as adults.
It is most effective when taken within 30 minutes of the ingestion of a poisoning substance or drug overdose.
Immediately drink 4 to 10 tablespoons of charcoal mixed with a small amount of water.
Then refill the same glass with water and drink the contents with the remaining charcoal sediment.
If a person has eaten within the past 2 hours, more charcoal will be required.
Repeat the charcoal dosage in 10 minutes, and any time symptoms worsen.
Of course, the patient should be taken to an emergency room as quickly as possible for further treatment and monitoring.
Generally, treat children with one half of the adult dose.
For Nausea and Vomiting:
Drink 1 to 2 tablespoons of powder in a little water after each vomiting episode.
Follow the charcoal water with a glass of plain water, if tolerated.
If the charcoal is vomited up, drink another glass of charcoal water immediately.
For Diarrhea:
Drink 1 to 2 tablespoons of charcoal powder in a glass of water after each loose or watery stool.
Follow each glass of charcoal water with 1 or 2 glasses of plain water.
Infants and small children with diarrhea are at greater risk for dehydration. Give them plenty of water along with other rehydration fluids.
Keep a container of charcoal powder in your first aid cabinet so that it will be readily available. When stored in a dry, air-tight container charcoal powder will usually keep for an indefinite amount of time. However, if it seems to lose it effectiveness, discard, and purchase some more.

Caution: Do not give charcoal by mouth to anyone that is sleepy, unconscious, or otherwise unable to swallow. In such cases, prompt medical attention is vital!