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Carnivore, Herbivore, or Omnivore?


Are you a carnivore, herbivore, or an omnivore?

Before you quickly answer, let’s consider the meanings of these classifications:

Omnivore – “Omni” means “all or everything.” For example, omnipotent means all powerful, authority, influence. Omnipresent means in all places at all times. And Omniscient means all or infinite knowledge.

Omnivores eat ALL things, everything! These are clean-up animals. I have a dog, Poker, that eats everything, even other animal’s droppings… And for what he can’t eat, he entertains himself by chewing on it.

Besides my dog, another good example of an omnivore typically would be swine.

Now I am sure there are things I can put on your plate that Poker and pigs will eat, but that you will not eat. So, I will conclude that you are not an omnivore.

Could you be a carnivore?

Carnivores are “mostly flesh eaters” by definition. Their characteristics include:

  1. Pants – they do not sweat.

  2. Very sharp teeth and claws meant for ripping and tearing. Carnivores have forks and knives built in, so to speak, so they can walk right up to another animal and rip into their fur, skin, and flesh and start eating. Now I am just wondering how many of you think you can do that?

  3. Chew food very little. Now you may think you fit that description, but carnivores usually chew one or two times and down it goes.

  4. A short, smooth gut. Humans have a very long and sculpted gut.

  5. Quick digestion with a stomach acid that is 20 times stronger than herbivores. Why? Because it has to break down all that meat! The transit time for one pound of beef is typically 30 minutes.

  6. An acidic pH balance.

  7. A diet that is high fat, high cholesterol, low fiber (there is no fiber in meat products), very high protein, high sodium/low potassium, and is acid forming. All animal foods, beef, chicken, fish, pork, game, cheese, milk, or eggs are acid forming. By the way, in humans, disease thrives in an acidic environment.

From the list above we can see humans do not fit this description, although I am sure some of you wish you did.

So that leaves just one category left: Herbivores. Herbivores “feeds on plants.”

The characteristics of herbivores include:

  1. Sweats.

  2. Teeth are flat teeth for grinding and chewing.

  3. The gut is 30-35 feet long and sculpted.

  4. Digestion begins in the mouth, preferably has a lower acid and is dependent on enzymes for proper digestion. Transit time for one pound of beef is on average approximately 72 hours. While plant food have transit time of 12-24 hours.

  5. The pH balance is alkaline in the blood, saliva, and urine.

  6. The ideal diet is mostly low fat, no cholesterol, high fiber (fiber is found only in plant foods), low protein, high potassium/low sodium, mostly alkaline forming (even the acidic foods like lemons form an alkaline ash).

Now of these three choices, which one do you think best describes human physiology?

That’s right, herbivore.

So, you may be asking, “What’s the big deal? Does it really matter?”

We will answer that question in our next blog post, Wednesday, June 7, 2023!

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