Benjamin[1] called to schedule an appointment. He had uncontrolled diabetes and his doctor had threatened to put him on insulin shots. Benjamin was a determined fellow and he decided there was no way he was going to give himself shots of insulin. While talking with some of his friends, they recommended he make an appointment with me. Benjamin weighed 40 pounds over his desirable body weight and was living the good ol’ fast food American lifestyle. He was on medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

Benjamin told me his diabetes story. His doctor called him into his office for pre-diabetes screening. His blood sugar reading was 468 mg/dl. The doctor put him on metformin but gave him no further instruction. He eventually switched doctors and the new doctor was more aggressive with medication but still did not give any diet or lifestyle instruction, and now the doctor wanted to put him on insulin. Benjamin concluded his story by saying, “I know there has to be a better way.”
I agreed with Benjamin: there is a better way. I asked him, “Do you want to manage your diabetes, or do you want to reverse it?” Benjamin replied, “I want to get off my medication.” I replied, “In order to get off your medications you will need to reverse diabetes. And to reverse diabetes, you will need to change your lifestyle with healthier habits. My next question is, are you willing to do whatever it takes to reverse your diabetes?” Benjamin replied, “Yes, I am in one-hundred-percent.”
“Good,” I replied, “because if you are not in a hundred percent, all we can do is manage your diabetes.”
I instructed him on our 10-day Kickstart Cleanse[2] and told him he needed to text me every day during the Kickstart Cleanse with his weight, blood pressure, glucose readings, exercise, water, and food intake on the chart provided. He agreed and set a date to begin. Benjamin was faithful and kept in close contact with me. I worked with Benjamin over the next two years, and he participated in my Start a New YOU!® Program for reversing diabetes. After three months Benjamin was off his diabetes medication and in six months, he was off all his other medications and had lost 40 pounds.

His doctor was also monitoring Benjamin and could hardly believe how well he was doing. After three months off medication Benjamin returned to his doctor with normal blood sugars logged in his book and a normal Hemoglobin A1c (a three-month, long-term blood sugar control test). His doctor told him, “If I didn’t know you had diabetes, I would say go eat some ice cream.” That comment jacked with Benjamin’s mind. Even though I had told him this would need to be a permanent lifestyle change, what Benjamin heard from the doctor he interpreted to mean, “I am diabetes free and now I can eat whatever I want.”
A few months later, I invited Benjamin to share his story at one of my Reversing Diabetes presentations in a nearby city. Benjamin told his story and concluded with “I checked my blood sugar this morning and it was 113. I am not on any medications, and I have lost 40 pounds.” While Benjamin as excited with his report, I cringed and said in my mind, “Oh no, he is off the program and thinks he is doing fine.” A fasting blood glucose level of 113 mg/dl is considered pre-diabetes. Benjamin was on his way back to diabetes.
The next day I asked him to come into my office. I asked him how he felt he was doing with remaining free of diabetes. He stated he had stopped checking his blood sugars and had slipped back into some of his old habits. I asked him to check his glucose levels before and after meals again and text me the results. Benjamin did this and texted me, “You are right my glucose levels are back over 200 mg/dl after meals.” Benjamin was quick to get back on the program and has remained on it at the time of this writing. Benjamin became one of my best marketers. He told person after person his story. Soon I began getting phone calls from individuals saying, “I heard Benjamin’s story. I want to reverse my diabetes too.”

In Matthew 8:14-15 (see also Mark 1:30-31 and Luke 4:38-39) Peter’s mother-in-law is very ill. Jesus comes to visit and sees her lying in bed, sick with a fever. With one touch of His hand, she is instantaneously healed. Immediately she gets up and begins sharing her story, “Jesus made me well.” The word quickly spread that Jesus had healed Peter’s mother-in-law.
People came from all around and Peter’s mother-in-law shared her story with all of them and ministered unto them. Jesus also ministered to the sick, hour after hour and He healed them all.
Even though it was far into the night when the last sufferer left, before daylight, early the next morning, Jesus was found in nature communing with His Father (Mark 1:35). He would not even allow the lack of sleep to rob Him of the Source of His power: time alone with His Father.
Jesus was not satisfied to attract attention to Himself merely as a wonderworker or a healer of physical disease. He was seeking to draw men to Him as the Saviour. He desired to turn their minds from the earthly to the spiritual. Christ was hid in God, and God was revealed in the character of His Son. To this relationship is what Jesus desired the minds of the people to be directed.
The purpose in His healing us, is not to continue in our bad habits, but to go from victory to victory through the surrender of our will to God. Through His mighty hand He wants to empower us to do His healing work, turning minds from the earthly to the spiritual, from the artificial to the natural. He wants us to tell our story and to become co-operators with Jesus. Benjamin embraced this concept and has enjoyed seeing the fruit of sharing his story.

What is keeping you from cooperating with Jesus and from experiencing the rejuvenation that He desires to give you both spiritually and physically, as well as mentally, emotionally, and socially?
Would you like to learn more about God?
Join us Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm CT at
Abundant Health Wellness Center, 240 Huntsville Rd., Eureka Springs, AR 72632